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FEES You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. We can ship products anywhere in the United States using the shipping method of your choice. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipments destination. All shipping charges are calculated based on weight and destination directly from our carriers website in real time. We charge a minimal fifty cent packing fee regardless of the size of your order. This is the most ethical and most conventional method used in mail order. Do not be fooled by websites offering lower prices only to pad the shipping charges!! PLEASE NOTE: USPS MEDIA MAIL RATES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ITEMS IN OUR BOOKS/MEDIA SECTION. For more details, visit www.usps.com. Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please submit a message to us from the Communicate page if you would like to discuss international ordering options.
TURN-AROUND TIME Most orders are shipped the same or next business day from the day they are placed. We will make every effort to expedite processing for orders being shipped via USPS Express Mail and placed by 12PM EST. Orders placed over the weekend are shipped no sooner than Monday. We do not ship out packages on the weekend or holidays.
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