Black Tea
From robustly rich and full-bodied ---to light, smooth, brisk and refreshing. Fully oxidized leaves. There's a black tea for every taste. Enjoy a cup to refresh, stimulate and energize your day!
Handpacked in our airtight, golden resealable pouches.
One of the largest producers of black teas with wonderful variety and uniquely individual characteristics within each growing region.
China produces some of the highest grades of tea known. Keemun, Yunnan and many other special varieties that make having a cup a remarkably unique experience.
Sri Lanka, the island nation once known as Ceylon, produces these fine teas which are perfect for an afternoon pick me up or a nice balanced iced tea.
Combining several types of black tea to make some the most notable and famous blends known to the tea community.
Never sprayed with perfumes! Our flavoured black teas are the essence of premium loose teas paired with wonderfully rich and exotic flavours.
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